Monday, January 1, 2018

Upgraded Hideout sleeping & some warranty issues

We're sleeping on a cloud in 2018!  The mattress that came with the Hideout left A LOT to be desired.  After six months it was so flat it felt like we were sleeping on the floor...definitely not made for full-time use.  I actually sustained a sleeping injury to my right shoulder a week ago and am favoring it until it is healed...  I don't want to be too positive about this Lucid 10" but I am a happy sleeper.  I have limited experiences with foam mattresses, the one that came with the Hideout was my second time sleeping on one.  My first experience was when we rented a fully furnished house during the construction of our McMansion.  In both cases the mattresses were very cheap and failed to expand after relatively few nights of sleep.  I don't have too high of hopes for this new one - but it did come with a 25-year we will see.  

We actually received our delivery on the 30th.  Per the instructions we had to lay it flat in a well ventilated area for two days while it expanded and off-gassed.  It was ghetto, but we left outside by our trailer for the full two days.  We brought it in last night and I didn't notice any odors, I just melted right into it.  It is a few pounds more heavy than the last one - but it is well worth it.  The one con of this mattress is that our under-bed storage will not stay open because the mattress does not bend as easily and is heavier than the last one.  I think we will have to cut a stick to the right length to prop open the storage compartment when we need access.  Today when I had to access the storage Husband held it up for me and it was no problem. 

We have a significant list of warranty issues, many of them small and/or cosmetic, but there are a couple of big ones.  We are smelling propane when we take the plastic cover off of the tanks - Husband narrowed down the leak with soapy water to faulty hoses.  Secondly the hot water heater is leaking.  It is located at the very rear of the trailer and we noticed mineral deposits trailing from the water heater to the rear bumper.  Since we first located it we have seen it wet a number of times.  These two issues are the priority and we will be contacting our dealer ASAP for assistance.  We have heard many horror stories about people dropping off their trailers and dealerships taking very long periods of time to complete the work.  Needless to say, we are a bit tense about how to get the entire list completed.  We are hoping to talk to the dealership and figure out how we can schedule it.  

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