Saturday, March 28, 2020

Headed for (arrived in) the hills

Yesterday we made the trek up the mountain and arrived in St. Johns AZ.  I'm quite happy with the site at St. Johns RV Resort (though "resort" is really overselling it).  Being away from the big city gives me some comfort - I mean it's all a statistics game.  The outbreak is so terrible in NY and CA because that is where the masses of people live.  Statistically speaking less people = less exposure, though we know the virus will travel everywhere.  We need to continue to practice social distancing and minimize our travel to public spaces. 

I'm trying to minimize my exposure to the news as well.  It's all just so terrible.  Especially when our President is more concerned with his ego than with using the federal government to provide aid in this terrible time. 

I have an overwhelming desire to grow a garden, but I don't have any of the supplies I would need.  I have been trying to figure out if I can order everything and curbside pickup from Home Depot or something...I am not going into any stores right now.  We are going to try and make our shopping list for two weeks of groceries at a time.  This is difficult for us due to the limited storage space we have in our RV cupboards, but with the right planning I think it can be done.  I am very much looking forward to the end of the semester when I will have 150 less students relying on me.  I am sure they all feel the same way.  This is such a difficult time for everyone. 

While the rural area brings some comfort it is also still very cold!  Last night it was 27 degrees!  We have not ever stayed a night in that sort of weather.  We had to unhook the water so that it didn't freeze and our furnace was running practically all night.  I was stressing about how long the propane would last!  Thankfully today Husband was able to get the propane refilled at an outside station maintaining proper social distance.  The weather in the valley is warming up - air conditioner weather will soon be arriving there but we will enjoy cool temperatures for quite a while. 

Today I made a very nourishing meal of lentils & rice.  I ate it with hummus and some leftover naan bread.  It was an excellent comfort food and I have leftovers for tomorrow.  We were eating out quite a bit prior to all this quarantine business - I have to adjust to eating in all the time!  I am looking forward to my parents joining us after their month is up at their current site.  When they come we will do the shopping for everyone so that their risk is minimized.  Well, that is the newest - glad to be settled in up here for a while and thankful that we are healthy.  Wishing best health to my readers!

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