Yes, the door of the Hideout practically hits the slide on the MR. It's a tight fit. Every arm full of stuff required navigating the hoses, sewer connection and wires on the ground...but then again we only had to move our stuff over one trailer - We've had much worse moves!
While we are reflecting on this picture, I will point out that we opted to get stabilizer jacks for the super deep slides on the MR and you can see one of them here. I think this is a great idea for slides that are out for an extended period. Why not provide support for all that weight? We bought a package of two for about $85. I don't know if we will use them when we are traveling, but they seemed like a good idea for when we are parked in AZ.
So other than a few cleaning supplies the Hideout is now empty of our belongings. This has been a great opportunity to purge and toss all the excess we have accumulated in 19 months. It was surprising how much we had to donate and throw away and move to storage (yes, we will have a 5x5 storage we can't seem to empty out). The thing about moving into a new rig is that there is a lot of organization that needs to happen. In a tiny space everything has it's place. When you start all over you have to find a place for everything. This means a few trips to IKEA for storage bins and when they don't fit, time on Amazon to order the right sized boxes and shelves and stuff. There is also all the command hooks that need to be placed. I took them all out of the Hideout for reuse. I rely on them very heavily and noticed their absence in the MR immediately. Hooks for bath towels, coats, get the idea.
We also have had some issues learning the systems in the new trailer. At first we couldn't figure out why we didn't have hot water - then learned the bypass valves were not set properly. That took some time with the manuals and trying different things. We also realize that the dealership must have filled the fresh tank to test the water and we cannot locate the fresh water dump valve. The Hideout was so simple - unscrew a cap on a hose - but this one is supposed to have a valve and we think it might be hidden under the enclosed underbelly. So far our communication with Highland Ridge has not been helpful. They asked for pictures, we sent pictures, they asked for a video, we sent a video, then they asked us if we can locate the valve....uh no dude, read the chain of emails - watch the video....there is no valve. So that issue is still TBD...Yes, we could just empty it using the pump, but we shouldn't have to. There should be a valve.

Here are a list of things I absolutely LOVE about our new home. The fridge seems huge. It has one more shelf and one more door compartment, but that makes a huge difference. Actually the kitchen is just wonderful on so many levels. Lots of counter space, storage....yeah!
The kiddie dinette is amazing. Already we have put it to full use for school and the bunk room is a great place space for Sister when she wants to get out all her little toys. She can actually sit on the floor and spread out her mess and we won't have to walk on/over it! Each bench has storage under it so each kiddo has all their special toys in their own special place. It is magical.
The downside of the kiddie dinette is that mama smashed her head on Sister's bunk - ouch. Gotta be a bit more careful. We bought bed railings from IKEA for each bunk and they fastened on nicely. It gives me some peace - Sister has never slept on a top bunk, let alone one that is a bit narrow. The railing is a comfort.

Ok, so I didn't think I cared about this, but let me tell you massage chairs are always a good thing. Yes, we have heated massage chairs.
The chairs are really comfortable, there is storage in the middle arm. There are cup holders, lights, heat and massage. After a long day of moving stuff and walking around and around these trailers all day I sat down and turned that baby on - well, I was sorry I didn't value it more before that moment. Because now this is something I need to have in my life. I don't know how anyone camps without them!

The place feels like home. We hung art on the walls today and things are almost all put away. The kids said the Hideout does not feel like home anymore and this one does, so I guess we've done it. It's a big upgrade. Life is good. This weekend we will finish cleaning the inside of the Hideout and Monday morning the exterior will be washed. We hope to post the Hideout on RV Trader by Monday evening. We need to get it sold because our community tells us we are breaking a rule by having two trailers....We are so thankful that the Hideout has been such a good home for the past 19 months, it's time for it to serve the next family just as well.
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