In a book Brother is reading called Native American Animal Stories there is a story about a child learning to hunt. Many animals pass the hunters in the woods but they ultimately take the life of the old animal, letting the young pass by so that they might reproduce and serve their purpose on this planet before becoming human food. Many other stories in this book talk about the balance of life and how the Native Peoples cooperated with Nature in a give and take relationship.
Enter Western civilization and the view that nature is something to be dominated, ruled, exploited, blown up, mined, polluted, harvested, and ultimately changed from its original form. It is beyond arrogant to think that there are not consequences for this disrespectful, non-reciprocal, and violent method of life.
In reality our conquistador ancestors and their ruling/owning/exploiting descendants have stolen,and continue to steal, the resources intended for future generations so that they can live lives of such opulence would don't even have words to describe it. If we could observe the full extent of the riches of the owner class we would surely be disgusted and appalled by their extreme greed.
And what is the benefit for "consumers" of having our current systems of exchange and commerce? debt? endless desire in a world where everything is destined for a landfill? malaise? hating our jobs? division and conflict over the idea of scarcity? We have forgotten how to take care of ourselves! We are forced to rely on systems we mistrust. Our leaders have no interest in serving people over profits. All natural resources are threatened. We are scared and feel powerless. The forces are dark and looming and we are swimming with all our might just to keep from drowning ....sounds like we are getting the shit end of that stick.
What are we giving back to the earth to replenish that which we have taken? Nothing. We consume, we do not grow or tend or nurture. Most of us have virtually no survival skills, can't grow, can't build, can't fix, can't mend.
When oil, created over millions of years, is pumped to the surface to be burned up by billions of needy consumers during one lifetime we rob our descendants of ingredients necessary to their life. We are burning up the air our own children will need. We are cutting down the trees that would have produced the air for our grandchildren!
Our way of life is killing us. For the first time in a long time life expectancy is in decline. Why? So the Sackler family can deal the equivalent of opium legally and amass untold riches while facing no repercussions? Because we refuse to acknowledge the systematic poverty and disenfranchisement this system creates? Because children are killing themselves rather than live in this world we create each day. We are stealing the hopes and dreams of children in addition to their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We are wiping out all other species at an alarming rate - our choices and beliefs are a plague to this beautiful planet. We could choose to return to a reciprocal relationship with nature. But we have to do it on a planetary scale. If we do nothing we steal the future, from our descendants, and knowingly commit the crime of stealing the future away from those who have yet to come.
We can't bury our head in the sand and pretend this isn't happening. Listen to your inner voice - the one that is discontent - instead of stuffing it with food, purchases or drugs. Decide what you are going to do about it.