- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: Siding is bowing or dented in a number of places
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: Leaking water heater (as mentioned above)
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: Shower stall unsticking / bowing away from the wall
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: Shower head leaks significantly when in the closed position
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: A couple panels and cabinets need repair
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: There is a wall panel in the bathroom that has a bubbling texture - this has been there since day one and we think we missed it at our walk-through because the lights were not on and it is not easy to see without light.
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: The kitchen faucet is really squeaky (this same thing happened in the bathroom and resulted in us replacing the fixture). I think the kitchen faucet is ready to fail.
The process goes like this - the quick fixes were already handled by the dealership without much fuss. For those things that were bigger or needed Keystone parts the dealership took pictures and submitted it to Keystone and waited for approval of the repairs.
Here is what we have learned about the pending issues (in italics):
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: Siding is bowing or dented in a number of places - More pictures were needed. We did our best to take new pictures and sent them to the dealership. They will forward the pictures to the manufacturer.
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: Leaking water heater (as mentioned above) - Keystone denied this repair stating the manufacturer of the water heater was responsible. Our dealership has submitted a claim to the water heater manufacturer and is hopeful it will ultimately be covered.
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: Shower stall unsticking / bowing away from the wall (dealership will seal the places where it is needed when we take it in)
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: Shower head leaks significantly when in the closed position (denied repair - stating this is normal. However I wonder if our dealership ever tested it to see if the amount of leakage was "normal." I will push the issue when we take it in again)
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: A couple panels and cabinets need repair (these will be fixed)
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: There is a wall panel in the bathroom that has a bubbling texture - this has been there since day one and we think we missed it at our walk-through because the lights were not on and it is not easy to see without light. (This will be fixed - they will replace the wall panel which will require taking off the existing panel and probably part of the shower stall...this is a bigger repair that will take the better part of a day)
- WARRANTY/PARTS NEEDED: The kitchen faucet is really squeaky (this same thing happened in the bathroom and resulted in us replacing the fixture). I think the kitchen faucet is ready to fail. (Denied - some BS reason was given...I can't remember. I wasn't surprised about this one. We will replace the fixture with something better like we did in the bathroom.)
Since our last visit to the dealership I have noticed one other thing I want them to take a look at - there is a seal that seems out of place in one of the windows in the bedroom. We are also going to ask if they can install the cover over the exhaust vent on the roof as well as look at options for an external ladder.
Our current plan is to take the Hideout into the dealership during spring break IF all the parts have arrived by then.
A couple of interesting facts we learned - Keystone (and many other manufacturers) will not honor the warranty if they learn you are living in the trailer full-time. Secondly, any modification you make to the trailer - such as the installation of sun shades (snaps) on the exterior of the vehicle - could void all or part of the warranty. Because we have some issues with the siding bowing or being dented we had to be sure not to show any of the snaps which hold the sun shades. Of course the siding we are complaining about doesn't have any snaps in it, but that doesn't matter. If they get wind of the modification they will use it as an excuse to void the warranty.
We are glad we have been able to use the trailer and work out the bugs. I imagine many people purchase these things and have a hard time getting the warranty work done. I am glad we "did it right" as we were told by the dealership, by taking it in well ahead of the expiration of our year warranty (one year is up in June '18) to get the ball rolling on these repairs. Though we could impose on friends or get a hotel room, leaving the Hideout for more than a day is not desirable. Over spring break we will probably travel up north to our land in the mountains and camp in our steel building so we can leave it for a couple of days/nights.
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